Ytterbium [Yb] (CAS-ID: 7440-64-4) locate me
An: 70 N: 103 Am: 173.04 (3)
Group Name: Lanthanoid
Block: f-block Period: 6 (lanthanoid)
State: solid at 298 K
Colour: silvery white Classification: Metallic
Boiling Point: 1467K (1194'C)
Melting Point: 1097K (824'C)
Density: 6.90g/cm3
Shell Structure diagrams | Atomic Radius diagram

Discovery Information
Who: Jean de Marignac
When: 1878
Where: Switzerland
Name Origin
From Ytterby, Sweden.
Found in minerals such as yttria, monazite, gadolinite, and xenotime.
Used in metallurgical and chemical experiments.
The chemical and physical properties of ytterbium could not be determined until 1953 when the first nearly pure ytterbium was produced
Although it was thought that all ytterbium compounds were highly toxic, initial studies have shown that the danger is limited. Ytterbium compounds are known to cause skin and eye irritations, and may also be teratogenic . Metallic ytterbium dust poses a fire and explosion hazard.